Education | School Curriculum

HaMidrasha in Israeli Public Schools

HaMidrasha’s pedagogical team authors textbooks, develops curriculum, trains teachers and implements school-wide Jewish studies programs. HaMidrasha has a partnership with Israel’s education ministry as a longstanding contributor to the Jewish Culture and Heritage curriculum for non-religious public schools. Our programs teach K-12 schoolchildren about Jewish concepts and values, allow them to explore and honor their family traditions, and encourage them to seek their own place within the rich Jewish heritage that is their birthright.


Activities include:

  • Textbook development and production
  • Course design and implementation
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah Programs
  • Jewish-Israeli culture days
  • Youth leadership programs
  • Kabbalat Shabbat
  • Shavuot “Tikun” learning event
  • Tu B’Shvat Seders
  • Purim Megilla Reading
